How would you like to be able to complete all the Dentistry you want and need without remembering it? Consider Oral Conscience Sedation. Its is simple and safe. Please call and ask for Krissy. She is our Conscious Sedation Consultant and she will take excellent care of you.
You do not have to let dental anxiety hinder your oral health. Aliso Shore Dentistry is here to help. We'll walk you through every step of the treatment process and design a treatment plan that's right for you based on both your needs and goals.
A popular treatment option called Oral Sedation Dentitstry which is conscious sedation through the use of oral medications. This can help eliminate your dental anxiety and fear. The treatment allows you to relax and feel comfortable through your entire dental appointment. Due to the type of oral medications used, you'll remember little to nothing of your time in the dental chair the next day. It's that simple.
At Aliso Shore Dentistry, Drs. Nick Nguyen and Calvin Yang, and their dental team have received advanced training in Oral Sedation for children, teenagers and adults. We have taken all the precautions to ensure you have a safe and pleasant dental experience.
Call our office today to set up a consultation and learn how oral sedation can transform your dental experience. Ask for Krissy, our Sedation Coordinator. She will answer your questions and book you a consultation appoitment with one of our Doctors.
"I have met many patients who have a really deep rooted fear of seeing the Dentist and having their mouth worked on. Many of them believed they loosing their teeth was inevitable. I am so proud that our office provides this wonderful service to those who need it."
— Dr Nick Nguyen.
My 2 1/2 hour appointment felt like it was 15 minutes!
I gladly travelled 45 miles to have Dr. Nguyen treat me with Oral Sedation. It was a very good experience and I remembered very little.
Oral Sedation was very affordable for me and I was able to finish it all in one appointment! Way to go Dr. Yang and Katy!
Wish I would have known about this type Dentistry before I waited 8 years to finally be treated.
I took one day off to have my Dentistry done and was back to work the next day. Thank-you.
Before I learned about conscious sedation dentistry I was afraid I'd lose all of my teeth. I was so afraid of the pain of fixing them and of all the long visits that I decided I was willing to lose them and accept dentures.
Fortunately the sedation dentist and his staff were so understanding and compassionate, I was immediately put at ease. It made me excited to know my problems were going to be fixed. Everything was so easy. Someone held my hand through every step, from making financial arrangements to scheduling and healing afterward. It was so refreshing to have such respectful people around me instead of being looked down upon and lectured. And the treatment was completed in two visits! I was amazed at the lack of pain and could not believe I was able to shoot pool hours after my appointments.
I thank you for everything you have done for me. I am now not so afraid of meeting new people. You and your staff have raised my confidence level immensely and I can't thank you enough.